Friday, March 27, 2009

My New Profile

Outrageous, no? Just about 26 weeks, or 6 1/2 months along.
Also, there is another name in the mix: Eleanor. I like "Nora" as a nickname. And "Ellie." Steve is coming around to this. I've liked it for a while now.


GrandpaB said...

I like Eleanor. A very classic,feminine, but still strong woman's name with lots of options for nicknames such as: Ellen, El or Elle, Ellie, Ella. She can also have fun with her name when she grows up by choosing one of the nicknames herself for a certain social situation. She might appreciate that. I also like the fact that the name Eleanor has

GrandpaB said...

For some reason part of my previous comment didn't post.

My thoughts were that I also like that the name Eleanor, because it is of Irish and Scottish origin.

GrandpaB said...

Here's another thought. With Eleanor you can get the "E" thing going with all of your kids. Elizabeth, Eleanor...and so on and so on!

Lynn Ann said...

I like them all although Natalie is my least favorite. Eleanor is good--Ellie Jo, Nora Jo both have a nice ring. I think Nora Lynn sounds great!

sjt said...

I like Eleanor a lot. Another "regular" name with lots of ways to shorten it. It is my favorite so far. Eleanor Susan sounds good!

salbright65 said...

Does anyone know what "Eleanor" means?

BluegrassGal said...

Eleanor is becoming a really popular name these days, or it seems like. I know of two librarians whose daughters are named Eleanor, and my physical therapist for my hands had a 4-year old Eleanor. "Elli" for short. I like Millicent, and "Milly" for short. we'd use that one, but one of nils's friend already took that name.

Cheryl said...

Hey Stephanie, this is Cheryl Ewers, formerly of CML. Sarah passed along your blog since you were talking up baby names - specifically Eleanor. My toddler's name is Eleanor Lucy :) I obviously love the name. It's a strong female name. It was a hard sell to our family but they have coming around. I thought we'd call her "Ellie" but turns out I ended up liking Eleanor so much.

Congratulations! :)

albrightburley said...

Thanks, Cheryl, for your help on Eleanor. I, too, love it--at least today. Amazing how I zig-zag on names these days! Am I remembering correctly that Sarah told me you are in UAE? Oddly enough, my brother and his family live in Dubai. Small world, huh?

Cheryl said...

I just saw this update - wow. small world it is. Very curious what your brother does and how long he has been here in the UAE. We are about 1.5 hours drive from Dubai. I like being close but not in the city (we're in Al Ain). I will be sad though when we come home in August. It's been a great time abroad for our family and I'll be looking for work. Not good timing to have left CML. You'll have to drop me a line I don't know if you remember this or not, but I live on Maynard too - down by the railroad tracks. Would be nice to get our girls together sometime once we are back and thing have settled with the new baby. Congrats again! We hope to have another baby soon as well.